Monday 30 May 2011

Life is short. You’re going to die; I am, too. So let’s quit wasting time.
Want to make it concrete? Do the How Many Days exercise and get an estimate of how many days you have left. Use that as a reminder to make each one count. My countdown is on the upper right of every page of this site–it was 17,011 when I first did the exercise. Watching those numbers tick down is a constant reminder to make the most of each day.
You can be happy. It’s true, I promise! You can have a life you love. Whether you’re stuck, lost, or just looking to make the most of your precious time, I’m here to help.
We all know we’re not going to be here forever, and nobody wants to die wishing they had done what really mattered. But in the everyday hustle of phone calls, deadlines, and oil changes, it’s easy to put off until tomorrow. Our dreams usually don’t come with deadlines or alarms—it’s up to us to make time for them.
17000 Days is about doing just that. It’s about rebuilding your life and sculpting it into what you want it to be, where you spend time on what matters most to you. It’s about creating happy, peaceful, fulfilling lives.
I’ve been there. I used to feel miserable, trapped, angry, frustrated, filled with dread, and afraid, pretty much all the time. (Here’s the tale if you want to know more.) A lot of small changes to what I do and how I relate to the world have added up to a life I truly enjoy. I want to help you do the same.
Maybe you hate your job, or you’re in a miserable relationship, or buried under a mountain of debt. You feel trapped. Or maybe you just don’t know what you really want to do. You keep living a mundane life because you can’t think of anything better to do. You wish someone would swoop in and give you the answer.
Or maybe, you’re pretty happy but can’t help thinking there must be something more. You don’t have to settle for a B+ life. There is something more, and you can get it for yourself.
Need help? That’s what I’m here for! Let’s talk. Drop me an email at cara [at] 17000-days [dot] com and we’ll get to work building you an awesome life. Or start by subscribing in the form to the right. I’d love to have you.

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